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The First Post! Hehe/ El Primer Blog Jeje

They say I started singing before I began walking. Most likely I sang my first song way before I even spoke a word. Not that I wanted to become a singer, but there was something about those 80’s songs that just got stuck in my head. My aunts thought listening to 80’s Spanish pop songs was what I could keep busy with and their plan worked perfectly. I have pretty much listened to or kept up with Latin artists ranging from 1985 to the present, and there’s music out there that I don’t know about. That is why I created this blog to promote to you all sorts of things: artists you’ve heard of, songs you didn’t know were singles, songs that bring back nostalgia and most importantly new talents from Latin America that people should care about.

Also don’t forget to tune into our show Conexion SF on KSFS Radio at hosted by Nelly Maldonado and yours truly on Sundays from 11am-12pm PST. We will try our best to connect our show with this blog and promote all sorts of fun and interesting pop and rock en español songs.

As far as artists that will be promoted on here, as a child I instantly fell in love with songs by Flans and Timbiriche. Two of the biggest bands of the 80’s from Mexico did become part of my infancy and childhood, and no matter how many more new artists will come close to them, there is nothing like remembering old times and just having a great time with Timbiriche and Flans. As the 90’s began, I became a fan of Alejandra Guzman and followed the careers of the Ex-Timbiriches as members like Thalia and Paulina Rubio left the band. When the mid 90’s came, it was inevitable that Fey, Kabah, Onda Vaselina, and Jeans would become my new favorite artists. Now in the thousands or whatever we’re going to call this decade my favorite artists include: Playa Limbo, Ha-Ash, Aleks Syntek, Camila, Motel, and the list goes on and on.

All the songs I have listened to equal three decades of music. I have listened to songs that could be categorized as very commercialized as well as other songs people may not know about or took their time realizing how good they were. I decided to create this blog and review different albums and Latino artists’ works so others can realize there are artists out there beyond j-lo, Shakira, Juanes and Ricky Martin. In a world where reggaeton seems to qualify as the only Spanish music genre that’s cool enough for 18-25 year-olds, it is only fair that music that is well made be appreciated and promoted. So I hope that you enjoy this blog as much as I will in creating it, and I’m open to anyone’s opinion about ANY of the artists mentioned here.
Pues mi historia es así de simple. Dicen que antes de que hablara, quizás antes de que caminara, ya cantaba “No controles” y “Soy un desastre”. No se porque pero estas canciones ochenteras son tan pegajosas tenían algo. Ya que un chiquillo gabacho, pelirrojo y de piel clara, se volvió en fan instantáneo de Flans y Timbiriche a los dos años de edad.

Y no paró ahí. A los principios de los 90’s me sentía el rey del rock junto con la reina del rock Alejandra Guzmán y de ahí le siguieron Fey, Kabah, Onda Vaselina y las Jeans como mis artistas favoritos.

Ya en este nuevo milenio era obvio que crecería y entre mis favoritos hoy en día se encuentran: Aleks Syntek, Playa Limbo, Reik, Camila, Ha-Ash, Motel entre otros.

Como desde pequeño he estado enterado de lo que pueda de mis artistas favoritos, siento que he vivido ya tres décadas de música. Por eso he creado este blog para que lean mis opiniones sobre artistas que han salido más o menos desde 1985 hasta el día de hoy y lo que viene. Si he escuchado de todo, lo muy comercial hasta lo no conocido, y creo que honestamente Latinoamérica ha dado varios buenos artistas, y muchísimas buenas canciones en español. Así es que disfruten de este blog ya que hablare de todo y les tratare de mantenerlos informados sobre lo que ocurre con los artistas relacionados con lo que ya he mencionado. También por favor escuchen CONEXIÓN SF en vivo por los domingos a las 11am a 12 pm hora pacifico. Gracias!


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