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So here is my video-summary of the MX LIVE Festival concert!

So you can learn more about the artists that were present here is a little info on each of them (in order of their appearance):

Aleks Syntek (began around 1989): Singer. Songwriter. Producer. One of the biggest pop artists in Latin America. He has created an equilibrium between producing well-made pop songs without falling into the commercial tentacles that wrap around the music world.

Moenia (began in 1992): The Mexican Depeche Mode. Along with Aleks Syntek, the all-male trio, Moenia, is considered one of the first successful experimental music composers and performers. They have found their niche in markets normally dominated by Latin ballad singers, teenage pop groups and musical genres with more mass appeal like Regional Mexican.

Fobia (1989-1997; came back in '04): As the presenter of the Festival MX tells us, these guys were key to the movement of Spanish Rock in Latin America. On personal side note, before actually buying all their albums and following their career, I remember "El Diablo"/"The Devil" (the song they perform in the video) as one of their hits and seeing pictures of them all over Mexico's most popular teen magazine. It is very impressive that they are one of the few bands from the Spanish Rock Movement that are still active. They have a loyal fan base, because they're good at what they do.

Alejandra Guzmán (1988)- What can I say about her? She is the DIVA of Spanish Rock. She is controversial, an explosion on stage, and immensely talented. The best part is that just as critics think she's going to bomb her next album, she proves that she keeps getting better and still has A LOT to offer.

DJ Flex aka N***a (2007)- Video shows it all...

Aqui tienen la video-reseña del concierto del Festival MX!


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