No estoy seguro cuanta gente sigue mi blog, y los que lo hacen se los agradezco de todo corazón pero… ¡me vacaciones! Estaré en México, en el pueblo de mis a padres Pegueros, Jalisco, (a una hora de Guadalajara) por dos semanas y aunque he tenido el blog un poco olvidado por asuntos del trabajo, no se si tendré tiempo de actualizar el blog. Claro que si algo súper interesante o impactante pasa (como conocer a Paty Cantú y a María José jaja si creo) les dejare saber y haber si tengo chancita de poner de menos las listas. También cuando regrese pondré una reseña del disco de María José, "Amante de lo ajeno" y otro disco también de covers, que para mi, es uno de los mejores discos de covers así es que estén al pendiente. Espero todos disfruten el comienzo del verano y déjenme comentarios los que lean mi blog! Gracias!
I’m not sure how many people actually read my blog but for those that do, I want to thank all you readers. However, I’m leaving…on vacation! I will be in my parents’ home town for two weeks and I know I’ve been only putting lists up but I’m not sure if I could even do that while I’m down there. Of course if something amazing and extraordinary happens (like meeting Paty Cantú and María José) I will put it up on the blog. Also, I’m preparing the CD of the Month for the blog which will be Maria Jose’s “Amante de lo ajeno” and will also analyze another CD of covers that I think is the best covers CD of all times. I hope everyone enjoys their summer and for people reading my blog: leave me comments! Thanks a bunch!
I’m not sure how many people actually read my blog but for those that do, I want to thank all you readers. However, I’m leaving…on vacation! I will be in my parents’ home town for two weeks and I know I’ve been only putting lists up but I’m not sure if I could even do that while I’m down there. Of course if something amazing and extraordinary happens (like meeting Paty Cantú and María José) I will put it up on the blog. Also, I’m preparing the CD of the Month for the blog which will be Maria Jose’s “Amante de lo ajeno” and will also analyze another CD of covers that I think is the best covers CD of all times. I hope everyone enjoys their summer and for people reading my blog: leave me comments! Thanks a bunch!